"Perfect Stories About Imperfect People Like You...and Me"

Shelia E. Bell
Shelia E. Bell is an award-winning, national bestselling author with 40+ books published in Christian fiction, women’s fiction, nonfiction, and young adult genres. Her books have garnered numerous awards and accolades, including 2017 Christian Literary Readers' Choice Award, 2015 Rosa Parks Award, USA Today Mention, 2014 Christian Literary Award, AAMBC Nate Holmes Honorary Award, Kindle Award, OOSA Book of the Year, numerous SORMAG awards and more.
Shelia began her publishing career in 1999. Since then, she has set the literary industry ablaze with her dynamic, true-to-life stories that she calls "perfect stories about imperfect people like you...and me."
Shelia is passionate about helping others and encourages and promotes people to ‘live their dreams now.’ In 2012, she founded a nonprofit organization, "Black Writers And Book Clubs (BWABC) Literacy Association," whose mission is to promote literacy one community at a time. Shelia is also a well-respected freelance book editor.
Having contracted polio at the age of two, she accepts no excuses and is determined not to let her physical imperfections keep her from attaining and fulfilling her life’s purposes.