"Perfect Stories About Imperfect People Like You...and Me"
Book 1 - Beautiful Ugly
Envy Wilson, Layla Hobbs, Kacie Mayweather, three thirty-year-old women, each with their own set of problems, situations, and secrets, share a friendship bound together by their need for each other. One by one, they each try to play with the deck life deals them. After all, the alternative to living is dying, and who wants to go down that pathway. There is too much zest in living for them, too many things to see, places to go and an endless list of mistakes yet to be made. Layla fights the battle of obesity, but her melodious voice can soothe the savage beast, but who can soothe her desire for love? Envy is her backbone and is one of the few people in her life who doesn’t beat up on her about being overweight. Kacie has cerebral palsy, six children, and five baby daddies, but never a husband. She prays that Deacon, an older man she meets at church, will be the perfect man to love and care for her and her children. Envy has her own secrets that she refuses to share, not even with Layla and Kacie. When life begins to change for each of these ladies, will their friendships hold up? When good things happen can it cause bad reactions? Can a good man bring you down? Can a bad man bring you up? Can friendship last in the midst of joy and pain? Through it all, the three of them cling to each other – but the circumstances they face in life will hopefully teach them how to cling to God.
Book 2 True Beauty
Layla, Kacie and Envy maintain their tight bond of friendship. They are determined to learn from the mistakes of their past so they can boldly step into their futures. Layla’s drastic blessing through tragedy opens doors that she never thought possible. She’s determined to live her life to the fullest, but as she moves forward with a new body and a new man, Layla forgets who used to be the most important man in her life – God. After heartbreak, and with sometimes-wavering support from Layla and Envy, Kacie tries hard to pick up the broken pieces of her life so that she can concentrate on raising her seven kids as a single mom. While there is no mistaking Envy’s outer beauty, she comes to believe the only way to have a chance to give and receive true love is by exposing the horrid secret of her past. Nevertheless, Envy is terrified of the consequences that she might have to face if she chooses to do so. Layla, Kacie and Envy still have much to learn about life and how to uncap the true beauty already divinely placed within each one of them.